About FlyThru

Welcome to FlyThru! Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) provide a safe, accurate and cost effective platform to obtain non-intrusive aerial data. FlyThru has in excess of 20 years’ experience in both manned and unmanned aviation and works with like-minded professional organisations to meet client focused targets. FlyThru are the UK industry leading providers of unmanned LiDAR surveys and specialise in aerial data collection for clients in the forensics, solar, civil and geospatial engineering sectors.

The team has secured a strategic partnership with Geoterra expert land surveyors and geospatial engineers, works closely with forensic service suppliers Cellmark serving the UK police and military, and includes in-house media experts Rise Aerial Media to provide marketing services to compliment FlyThru’s engineering expertise. Strategic partnerships have also been secured with British International Helicopters with whom FlyThru exchanges manned for unmanned aerial services, and MBJ-Solutions, industry leading experts providing maintenance services for the solar industry.

Our Philosophy

“It’s not about the drone – it’s about the data it captures”


All FlyThru pilots are fully qualified through accredited CAA courses, allowing for multirotor, fixed wing and heavy lift platforms to be safely and legally flown. Additionally FlyThru has the necessary accreditation to legally perform nighttime operations.

We pride ourselves on being safe, professional and providing accurate deliverables.

We have acted as a consultant to Ravenhall Risk Solutions Ltd assisting them in becoming a leader in understanding and insuring risks associated with this industry.

The licensing and use of small unmanned aircraft or drones is overseen in the UK by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The CAA guidelines and minimum standards are laid out in CAP393 Air Navigation Order and CAP722 Guidance for SUA Users. FlyThru believe that we should meet and surpass these standards as they are essential to ensure a professional and safe working environment. Please note every request will be assessed individually with regards to safety.